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Türkiye'de yapılan çalışmalar için tıklayın

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Dillard, H. R., and Cobb, A. C. 1990. Evaluation of black rot severity on 47 cabbage cultivars, 1989. Biological and Cultural Tests 5: 14.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., and Kline, S. T. 1991. Evaluation of Rovral applications on storage cabbage for control of white and gray mold, 1989-1990. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 46:116.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., and Moore, C. J. 1991. Response of cabbage cultivars to black rot, 1990. Biological and Cultural Tests 6: 7.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., Moore, C. J., and Kline, S. T. 1991. Evaluation of fungicides for control of anthracnose and early blight on processing tomatoes, 1990. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 46:176.

Dillard, H. R., Moore, C. J., and Cobb, A. C. 1991. Evaluation of bactericides for control of bacterial speck and spot on tomato, 1990. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 46:175.

Dillard, H. R., and Seem, R. C. 1991. Chemical control of common rust on sweet corn, 1989. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 46:170.

Dillard, H. R., and Ludwig, J. W. 1992. Evaluation of fungicides for control of pod molds of snap beans, 1991. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 47:77.

Dillard, H. R., and Cobb, A. C. 1992. Control of bacterial speck and spot on processing tomato, 1991. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 47:141.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., and Brink, D. C. 1993. Evaluation of fungicides for control of white and gray molds on snap beans, 1992. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 48:99.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., Ludwig, J. W., and Pedersen, L. H. 1993. Evaluation of preharvest Rovral applications for control of white and gray molds on storage cabbage, 1991-1992. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 48:104.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., and Brink, D. C. 1993. Evaluation of fungicides for control of early blight and anthracnose, 1992. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 48:189.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., and Brink, D. C. 1993. Evaluation of bactericides for control of bacterial speck and spot on processing tomatoes, 1992. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 48:188.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., Brink, D. C., and Jensen, K. C. 1994. Evaluation of fungicides for control of pod molds on snap beans, 1993. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 49:94.

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., Cobb, D. J., Ingram, J. T., McCormick, K. E. 1995. Comparison of fungicides for control of white and gray molds on snap beans, 1994. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 50: 95

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., Cobb, D. J., Ingram, J. T., McCormick, K. E. 1995. Comparison of organic and cultural practice management strategies for control of foliar and fruit pathogens of tomato, 1994. Biological and Cultural Tests 10: 100.

Cobb, A., Dillard, H., Hoffman, D., McCormick, K., Ntahimpera, N., and Seem, J. 1996. Response of pepper cultivars to bacterial spot, 1995. Biological and Cultural Tests 11: 113.

Dillard, H., Cobb, A., Hoffman, D., McCormick, K., Ntahimpera, N., Seem, J. 1996. Evaluation of fungicides for control of foliar and fruit diseases of fresh market tomatoes grown on bare ground or straw mulch, 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 51: 155.

Dillard, H., Cobb, A., McCormick, K., Hoffman, D., Seem, J., and Ntahimpera, N. 1996. Reaction of cabbage cultivars to Alternaria leaf spot, 1995. Biological and Cultural Tests 11: 99.

Cobb, A., Dillard, H., Hoffman, D., McCormick, K., Seem, J. 1999. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Alternaria leaf spot, 1997. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 54:128.

Cobb, A., Dillard, H., McCormick, K., Hoffman, D., Seem, J., Jordan, L., Lamboy, J. 1999. Evaluation of fungicides for control of common rust, 1997. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 54:136.

Dillard, H., Cobb, A., McCormick, K., Belding, J., Dougherty, J., and Walker, S., 2000. Evaluation of fungicides for control of white and gray mold in snap beans, field crittenden, 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 55: 142.

Dillard, H., Cobb, A., McCormick, K., Belding, J., Dougherty, J., and Walker, S., 2000. Evaluation of foliar sprays for control of white and gray mold in snap beans, field 48, 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 55: 144.

Dillard, H., Cobb, A., McCormick, K., Belding, J., Dougherty, J., and Walker, S., 2000. Evaluation of fungicides for control of common rust, 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 55: 160.

Dillard, H., Cobb, A., McCormick, J., Alicandro, R., Straight, G., and Walker, S., 2000. Evaluation of foliar sprays for control of white and gray mold in snap beans, field crittenden, 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 55: 143.

Dillard, H., Cobb, A., McCormick, K., Straight, G., and Walker, S., 2000. Evaluation of foliar sprays for control of white and gray mold in snap beans, field 48, 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 55: 145.

Dillard, H., Cobb, A., McCormick, K., Alicandro, R., Straight, G., and Walker, S., 2000. Evaluation of fungicides for control of common rust, 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 55: 159.

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., McCormick, K.E., Straight, G.A., Walker, S.J., Burr, A.T. 2001. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Alternaria leaf spot in cabbage, 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests.

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., McCormick, K.E., Straight, G.A., Walker, S.J., Burr, A.T. 2001. Evaluation of foliar sprays for control of white and gray mold in snap beans, field 49, 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests.

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., McCormick, K.E., Straight, G.A., Walker, S.J., Burr, A.T. 2001. Evaluation of foliar sprays for control of white and gray mold in snap beans, field Crittenden, 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests.

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., McCormick, K.E., Straight, G.A., Walker, S.J., Burr, A.T. 2001. Evaluation of fungicides for control of common rust in sweet corn, 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests.

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., McCormick, K.E., Straight, G.A., Walker, S.J., Burr, A.T. 2001. Evaluation of materials for control of black rot in cabbage, 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests.

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., Bartron, K.T., Fahrenholz, P.D., Henry, K.A., Witt, E.P. 2002. Control of sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with Contans, 2001. Biological and Cultural Tests 17: V04

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., Bartron, K.T., Fahrenholz, P.D., Henry, K.A., Witt, E.P. 2002. Evaluation of foliar sprays for control of white and gray mold in snap beans, field 48, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57: V005

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., Bartron, K.T., Fahrenholz, P.D., Henry, K.A., Witt, E.P. 2002. Evaluation of foliar sprays for control of white and gray mold in snap beans, field crittenden, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57: V006

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., Bartron, K.T., Fahrenholz, P.D., Henry, K.A., Witt, E.P. 2002. Evaluation of fungicides for control of alternaria leaf spot in cabbage, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57: V014

Dillard, H.R., Cobb, A.C., Bartron, K.T., Fahrenholz, P.D., Henry, K.A., Witt, E.P. 2002. Evaluation of fungicides for control of common rust in sweet corn, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57: V029

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., Amsel, N. A., Spratley, T. M., and Witt, E. P. 2003. Evaluation of foliar sprays for control of white and gray mold in snap beans in Geneva, NY, 2002. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online) Report V33:SMF _?___ . DOI: 10.1094/FN58. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, MN. In press

Dillard, H. R., Cobb, A. C., Spratley, T. M., and Witt, E. P. 2003. Control of powdery mildew on tomatoes with Topsin M in Geneva, NY, 2002. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online) Report V32:SMF _?___ . DOI: 10.1094/FN58. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, MN. In press

Dillard, H. R. 1992. Colletotrichum coccodes : the pathogen and its hosts. In: Bailey, J. A. and Jeger, M. J. (eds), Colletotrichum: Biology, Pathology and Control. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Chapter 11, page 225-236.

Dillard, H. R. 1985. Common rust and common smut of corn. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 52-54.

Dillard, H. R. 1985. White mold infection studies - cabbage. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 61-62.

Dillard, H. R. 1985. Carrot leaf blight - symptoms and control. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 82.

Dillard, H. R. 1986. Ascochyta blight. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 38-39.

Dillard, H. R. 1986. Common rust of sweet corn. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 49-50.

Dillard, H. R. 1986. Beet root rot problems of 1985. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 72.

Dillard, H. R. 1986. Brown bean disease of lima beans. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 82-83.

Dillard, H. R. 1987. Common rust of sweet corn: 1986 research results. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 33-35.

Dillard, H. R. 1987. Fusarium wilt of peas - an unusual occurrence. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 56-57.

Dillard, H. R. 1987. Cercospora leaf spot. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 72-74.

Dillard, H. R. 1987. Development of integrated pest management strategies for common rust of sweet corn. New York State Integrated Pest Management; abstracts of 1986 projects. Page 24.

Dillard, H. R. 1988. 1987 Cabbage disease research: black rot, Pythium damping-off, and white mold. Proceedings of the Upstate New York Cabbage Meeting 1:1-4.

Dillard, H. R. 1988. Development of a monitoring method and an action threshold for common rust on sweet corn. New York State Integrated Pest Management; abstracts of 1987 projects. Page V:15-16.

Dillard, H. R. 1988. Review of sweet corn diseases. New York State Processing Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 1-3.

Dillard, H. R. 1988. Understanding white mold and black rot of cabbage. Proceedings of the 1987 Sauerkraut Seminar. New York State Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report, December 1987. Number 61:8-10.

Dillard, H. R. 1989. Tomato and snap bean disease control. Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association Conference Proceedings, page 8-10.

Dillard, H. R. 1989. Stewart's bacterial wilt of corn. New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 33-34.

Dillard, H. R. 1989. What we know about tomato anthracnose. New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 52-53

Dillard, H. R. 1989. Black rot in cabbage - 1988 Variety Trial Results. New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 62-63

Dillard, H. R., and Seem, R. C. 1989. Evaluation of a sampling procedure and an action threshold for common rust on sweet corn. Reports from IPM Research, Development and Implementation Vegetable Projects in New York State, 1989. Page 47-50.

Dillard, H. R. 1990. Evaluation of 47 cabbage varieties for black rot resistance. New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 11-12.

Dillard, H. R. 1990. Ascochyta foot rot of peas. New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 39-40.

Dillard, H. R. 1991. Controlling white and gray mold. New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 1-2.

Dillard, H. R. 1991. Copper vs. black rot - who won? New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 74.

Dillard, H. R. 1991. Evaluation of cabbage varieties for black rot resistance: A summary of trials conducted from 1987-1990. New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 75-78.

Dillard, H. R. 1993. Disease management for tomato and pepper. 1993 Pennsylvania Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 6-9.

Dillard, H. R. 1993. Current disease problems in snap bean and pea. 1993 Pennsylvania Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 14-17.

Dillard, H. R. 1993. The blights of 1992: early, late and bacterial. 1993 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 43-45.

Dillard, H. R. 1993. Tomato anthracnose research update. 1993 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 46-47.

Dillard, H. R. 1993. The Ronilan Section 18. 1993 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 114-116.

Dillard, H. R. 1994. What's wrong with my tomatoes? 1994 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 26-28.

Dillard, H. R. 1994. Management strategies for Fusarium yellows and black rot. 1994 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 52-53.

Dillard, H. R. 1994. Pod mold control on snap beans. 1994 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 181-182.

Dillard, H. R. 1995. Biology and control of Alternaria diseases of crucifers. 1995 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 8.

Dillard, H. R. 1995. Hold the Mold! Problems with ronilan resistant gray mold. 1995 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 71-72.

Dillard, H. R. 1996. Disease Control in Snap Beans and Peas. 1996 Pennsylvania Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page 12-13.

Dillard, H. R. 1996. Alternaria Leaf Spot of Cabbage: from concentric circles to complete carnage. 1996 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, page C5-C8.

Ntahimpera, N., Dillard, H. R., and Cobb, A. C. 1996. Sweet corn ear rot caused by Fusarium species. 1995 New York State Vegetable Project Reports Relating to IPM, page 152-153. NYS IPM Publication #120.

Dillard, H. R. 1997. Recognizing and Managing Diseases: "hands-on" session. Proceedings of the 1997 Ontario-New York International Cabbage Workshop, page 9-17.

Dillard, H. R. 1997. Mold Management Madness: Ronilan and the Alternatives. 1997 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 37-38.

Dillard, H. R. 1997. Strategies for minimizing black rot and Alternaria leaf spot on cabbage. 1997 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 59-60.

Dillard, H. R. 1997. Sweet corn diseases: identification and control. 1997 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 89-92.

Dillard, H. R. 1997. Bacterial diseases of tomatoes and peppers, and an update on fungicides for late blight control. 1997 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 191-192.

Dillard, H. R. 2000. Pod rots: what’s in the crystal ball for control. 2000 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 27-29.

Dillard, H. R. 2000. So many diseases, so few tools. 2000 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 66-69.

Dillard, H. R. 2000. Managing bacterial diseases of tomatoes and peppers. 2000 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 177-180.

Dillard, H. R. 2001. Rots, rust, and russet. 2001 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 41-44.

Dillard, H. R. 2001. Black rot, Alternaria leaf spot, and a pile of chemicals…the search continues. 2001 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 58-61.

Dillard, H. R. 2001. Controlling rust in 2001. 2001 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 92-94.

Dillard, H. R. 2002. Disease control strategies for snap beans – Trial results for 2001. 2002 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 27-28.

Dillard, H. R. 2002. Snap bean fungicide updates and trial results for 2001. 2002 New York State Vegetable Conference Proceedings, 160-163.

Nault, Brian A., Shah, Denis, Dillard, Helene, Mazumdar-Leighton, Sue, Gonsalves, Dennis, and McFaul, Arlie, 2003. Aphid dispersal and virus incidence in snap bean fields. 2003 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Proceedings for the Vegetable, Potato, Flower, Small Fruit, and General Session, vol. 1, pages 39-41.

Cobb, Ann and Dillard, Helene, 2003. Rots and spots on cabbage heads. 2003 Proceedings of the New York State Vegetable Conference, pages 23-25.

Nault, Brian A., Shah, Denis, Dillard, Helene, Mazumdar-Leighton, Sue, Gonsalves, Denis, and McFaul, Arlie, 2003. Seasonal patterns of aphid movement and virus incidence in snap bean fields. 2003 Proceedings of the New York State Vegetable Conference, pages 84-87.

Dillard, H. R. 1988. Bean Anthracnose: An old disease with unanswered questions. The Bean Commission Journal 12 (2):6-7, May 1988.

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Cobb, A. C., and Dillard, H. R. 1996. To Mulch or Not to Mulch? The Tomato Club 4(3): 7-8.

Dillard, H. R. 1997. Rot Stopping Remedies for Common Diseases of Sweet Corn and Beans. The Natural Farmer 2(33): 10-11.

Dillard, H. R. 2000. Managing Bacterial Diseases of Tomatoes and Peppers. The Tomato Magazine. June 2000: 16-17.

Dillard, H. R. 2001. Pest of the Month: Cabbage Black Rot. American Vegetable Grower, February 2001, page 9.

Koch, D.W., and A. Karakaya, 1998. Extending the grazing season with Turnips and other Brassicas. University of Wyoming, Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin No: B-1051. 12 pp.

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