008  We must believe in Allah with His whole attributes

Dear Readers,

Believing in Allah (swt) means believing all Personal and Subuti attributes of Allah (swt) as they are stated in Quran which is the main source of religion and its best interpretation and explanation, Hadiths. His attributes do not resemble the characteristics of those He created. They cannot be compared. It is ordered in the verse from the Quran that:

"Invent not similitudes for Allah" [Nahl, 74].

# Allah doesn't resemble anything He created

Allah (swt) exists. His existence is absolute. Allah is unique in terms of existence, attributes, works and orders. His existence is forever and eternal. He is self-existent which means He exists with His power. Allah (swt) doesn't resemble anything He created.

He is alive. He knows everything which is secret or open in the past or in the future. He does what he wishes. He has the power over everything. He sees, hears and speaks. He creates, organizes and manages everything as He wishes. These are stated in the verses of Quran:

"That is because Allah is the Truth," [Luqman, 30]

"Say: He is Allah, the One." [Ikhlas, 1]

"That is Allah, your Lord! there is no god but He, the Creator of all things." [Anaam, 102]

"He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Hidden: and He has full knowledge of all things." [Hadíd, 3]

"There is nothing whatever like unto Him." [Shura, 11]

"Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;" [Ikhlas, 2]

# The essence of Allah's attributes are different

Although He bestowed the creatures He created the subuti attributes of Him partially or symbolically as being alive, seeing, hearing and speaking, these characteristics of the creatures are on a representation level. They are not like Allah's attributes in terms of their nature and essence. They cannot be compared.

"Allah. There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Supporter of all." [Baqarah, 255]

"And put thy trust in Him Who lives and dies not; and celebrate His praise" [Furqan, 58]

"Yea, to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; " [Al-Imran, 189; Nur, 42; Shura, 49; Jathiya, 27; Fath, 14]

"Allah is the Creator of all things." [Zumar, 62]

"But Allah has created you and your handwork." [Saffat, 96]

"Allah hath power over all things." [Al Imran, 189]

"The Originator of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is." [Baqarah, 117]

# Allah (swt) knows everything

Allah (swt) has infinite knowledge. Trillions of events that took place in the visible and invisible realms always takes place under His information.

"Allah has full knowledge of all things." [Mujadala, 7]

"Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge." [Anaam, 59]

"Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all." [Al-Imran, 29]

"Allah is He Who hears and sees (all things). " [Hajj, 75]

"It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil," [Shura, 51]

"Say: If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid." [Kahf, 109]

We must know Allah with these attributes. We must accept and approve the attributes but we must not try to understand their content. It is never possible for human to understand Allah (swt) or the content of His attributes because of that human sees, hears, knows and learns but these depend on the material relations and interactions.

# The attributes of Allah notified in His beautiful names

Dear Readers,

Some of the attributes of Allah (swt) are heralded to human with verses of Quran. However the attributes of Allah can never be compared with the characteristics of human. Each attribute of Allah is away from deficiencies. They are perfect and complete. The qualities of human, which are created out of soil, are defected by the desires of their nafs.

We forgive the people who harm us if they realize and apologize but every time we see them we remember the bad behaviors of the people. We feel sad. Even though we completely forgive them, it will never be a complete forgiveness with what our nafs whisper. Is it the same with the forgiveness of Allah?

Some of the beautiful names of Allah (swt) are ordered in three verses of Al-Hashr.

"Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god; Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful." [Hashr, 22]

"Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the justly Proud. Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him." [Hashr, 23]

"He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise." [Hashr, 24]

Dear Readers, some of the attributes of Allah (swt) which are defined in the beautiful names of Allah is as follows:

# Allah has infinite mercy, justice, favors and graces

Allah (swt) forgives the sins. He has the power to perform everything He wishes. He bestows a lot of complimentary blessings. He sustains every living creature and meet the needs. He solves all kind of problems. He knows everything that is hidden and open in the past and future with His eternal wisdom. He decreases or increases the sustenance of those He wishes. He collects and assigns the souls. He demeans whom He wishes. He honors and praises whom He wishes. He makes beloved whom He wishes. He makes worthless and low whom He wishes. He hears everything in the best way. He sees everything that is hidden or open in the best way. He is absolutely dominant. He is absolutely fair. He separates the truth and falsehood. He has the power over everything. He has grace and mercy. He knows everything that is secret or open. He is not quick in punishment. He treats His servants kindly. Nothing is compared to Him in greatness. He has forgiveness and mercy. He bestows good prizes for little performances. He is the superior of all. He protects everything. He creates sustenance. He evaluates His servants in the best way. He has glory and grandness. He has many favors, graces and mercies. He gives a lot in return for nothing. He observes everything in any time. He controls everything. He accepts the prayers. He has mercy and power. He surrounds everything with His knowledge. All of His works have wisdom. He likes goodness and shows mercy to good people. He is the one who deserves love. His blessing and mercy is infinite. His honor is very superior and He deserves all kind of praises.

# Everything is in need of His favors

He will give life in the last judgment day. He informs his servants about the truth by sending messengers. He is always ready and waiting without time and space. He exists. His existence never changes. He is the true one. He presents the truth. He finishes the works of His servants. He solves the problems of the ones who trust Him. His power is the superior and it never decreases. He is the source of strength and power of everything. He is the friend of Muslims. He loves and helps them. He deserves all kind of glory and praise. He knows the number of all the creatures He had created and He will create. He creates unique things out of nothing. He will kill what He creates and resurrects them again. He gives life to what He creates and will kill each living thing. He is alive with an eternal and infinite life. He sustains all the creatures. He is self-existent. Nothing is kept secret from Him. He needs nothing! But everything is in need of His favors. He has no partners in His existence, attributes and performances. He is the one. He is capable of creating as He wishes. He decides as He wishes. He praises the ones He wishes. He lowers the ones He wishes.

# His existence is forever and eternal

His existence is forever and eternal. His existence is obvious within the things He creates. He is hidden from imaginations of the mind. He rules all the universe. He is extremely supreme. He has many kindness and mercies. He accepts penitence and forgives the sins. He punishes the rebellious and cruel people. He always forgives. He is kind and tenderhearted. He is the owner of everything. He has glory, magnificence, perfection and mercy. He gets the rights of the suffering people. He rules in justice. He keeps the opposites together. He will collect all the creatures in the Judgment Day. He has no needs. He makes the people prosperous and contented whom He wishes. He prevents what He does not wish. He creates the harmful things which cause sorrow besides beneficial things. He enlightens the universes with His divine light. He leads to the right path whom He wishes. He creates wonders without examples. His existence is eternal. He is the real owner of everything. He does not need guidance. He shows the right path. He is never hasty to punish. He is patient.

We must know and believe in Allah (swt) with these attributes.

Be entrusted to Allah.

Dr. Ismail Ulukus


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